"Chickadee on Glass" Enamel Painting by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

Enamel Paint on a glass vase

Chickadees are about to fledge in our backyard!! We know their time to leave the nesting box is close because mom and dad are busy all day long bringing them bits of food.

Soon they'll be in our plum tree where we can watch them up close....sometimes we can even hold them before they realize they're supposed to be afraid of us. Now that is a true Blessing!!

Please feel free to leave a comment or if you'd like your own Chickadee painting on glass or canvas, email me: marysbrush@aol.com

"Bird Beauty" Acrylic Painting by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

8 x 10 Artist Board

Kingfishers are considered a strange bird by some and a bird of beauty by others. This painting was inspired by a photo that a friend shared with me.

Email me if you have questions or would like to purchase this original painting: marysbrush@aol.com

"Hear Me Roar" Acrylic Paintings by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

10 x 8 Artist Board

Lions are probably the favorite feline of the big cat family. Their very movements speak of grace, watchful casualness, and incredible strength. To be able to see these magnificent animals in person is a real treasure. Although this particular painting is scheduled to be delivered to our zoo, if you'd like this or another of my paintings, let me know at: marysbrush@aol.com

"Stillness" Bird Paintings by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

5 x 4 Acrylic Painting on Watercolor Paper

Our little feathered friends don't usually sit quietly in the open for long periods. When they do, they are a joy to watch. I love to see their true colors in the sunlight and always hope I'm able to capture their special beauty on camera.

Feel free to leave a comment. You can also email me with questions, suggestions, or information on purchasing my art: marysbrush@aol.com

"Father's Touch" Watercolor Paintings by Colorado Artist Mary Arneson

5 x 7 on 140 LB Watercolor Paper

There is nothing sweeter than seeing a father hold his child's hand in his. To bond, to help, to guide, to love...that is what being a father is all about!!

Feel free to email with comments or questions: marysbrush@aol.com